
Karacakilavuz Twill Weave Geographical Registration Certificate

Bu coğrafi işaret, 6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu kapsamında 27.06.2018 tarihinden itibaren korunmak üzere 30.10.2019 tarihinde tescil edilmiştir.

Edirne Almond Paste

Registration Number: 656

Registration Date: 25.01.2021

Application Number: C2013/003

Application Date: 24.12.2012

Name of Geographical Indication: Edirne Almond Paste

Product Name: Almond paste

Type of Geographical Indication: Place of Origin Mark

Registered by: Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Address of the Registrar: 1.Murat Mah. Talat Paşa Cad.No:80 Merkez EDİRNE

Geographical Boundary: Edirne province

Usage Method: The expression "Edirne Badem Ezmesi" and the geographical indication emblem are placed on the product packaging. When not used on the packaging, the expression "Edirne Badem Ezmesi" and the geographical indication emblem are kept prominently visible at the establishment.

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:
Edirne Almond Paste, with a historical background in the Ottoman Palace Cuisine, is obtained by grinding and mixing dried almonds of the Hacı Alibey (48-5) variety, which grows wild in Edirne, with syrup.

The Hacı Alibey (48-5) variety of almonds grown in Edirne has a yield range of 33-38%, with a double kernel ratio of 22-27%. They are medium-strength trees, early ripening, with almond length ranging from 22-27 mm and width from 10-15 mm. The weight of the shell is 3-4 g, and the weight of the kernel is 1-1.5 g.

The physical and chemical properties of Edirne Almond Paste are provided below.

Production Method:
Edirne Almond Paste is produced with ±5% deviation, consisting of 55% sugar, 35% almonds, and 10% water.

The Hacı Alibey (48-5) almonds grown in Edirne are boiled in hot water, and their brown shells are peeled off and dried in 70 °C ovens. The dried almonds are ground to a particle size of 1-5 mm.

According to the Turkish Food Codex Sugar Regulation, white sugar, water, and acidity regulator cream of tartar (potassium tartrate) are mixed in a pot and boiled up to 120 °C to create a syrup. The ground almonds are added to the syrup to obtain almond paste dough. The almond paste dough is poured onto marble countertops to cool down. The cooled paste is manually kneaded into long, thin rolls and cut into cylindrical shapes. Edirne Almond Paste is then packed in a Bristol cardboard box lined with wax paper for sale. It is stored in a cool and dry place during hot weather and at room temperature in a dry environment during cold weather.

Production, Processing, and Other Operations within the Geographical Boundary:
For the production of Edirne Almond Paste, almonds obtained from Hacı Alibey (48-5) almond trees, which grow wild in Edirne, are used. Since the production of Edirne Almond Paste requires craftsmanship and is associated with the geographical boundary, all stages of production must take place within the geographical boundary.

Inspections are carried out regularly every six months by an inspection body composed of at least one expert from Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Edirne Municipality Inspection Department, Edirne Governorate Public Health Directorate, and Edirne Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry. Inspections are also conducted whenever necessary or in case of complaints.

The following criteria are considered during inspections:

- Verification that the almonds used in production are obtained from Hacı Alibey (48-5) almond trees grown in Edirne. Inspections focus on the external appearance of the almonds and the weight of the shell and kernel.
- Ensuring compliance with the production method.
- Verification of the appropriate use of the Edirne Almond Paste geographical indication and the place of origin mark emblem.

The inspection body may engage or procure services from public or private organizations, as well as experts who are individuals or legal entities, during the inspection process. The registrar is responsible for conducting the legal processes to protect the rights.

Erzurum Stuffed Kadayif Geographical Registration Certificate

This geographical indication is published in the Official Gazette dated 22.10.2011 and numbered 28092. has been announced. It has been registered to be valid from 01.03.2010 in accordance with Article 12 of the Decree Law on the Protection of Geographical Indications No. 555. Announcement of Change: Bulletin No. 63 dated 15.10.2019 Bulletin No. 103 dated 15.06.2021

Izmit Pismaniye Geographical Registration Certificate

The geographical indication, whose technical specifications and inspection method are given in the annex, was announced in the Official Gazette dated 13.06.2001 and numbered 24431 and was registered to be valid from 13.06.2001 in accordance with Article 12 of the Decree in the Force of Law No. 555 on the Protection of Geographical Indications.

Edirne Mis Fruit Soap Geographical Registration Certificate

Registration Number : 452
Registration Date: 09.09.2019
Application No: C2012/129
Application Date: 17.09.2012
Name of Geographical Indication: Edirne Mis Fruit Soap
Product Name : Soap
Type of Geographical Indication: Geographical indication
Registrant : Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Address of the Registrant: 1. Murat Mah. Talat Pasa Cad. No: 80 EDIRNE
Geographical Boundary: Edirne province
Usage: Edirne Mis Fruit Soap phrase will appear on the product easily.

Kırklareli Hardaliye Geographical Registration Certificate

Registration Number: 278
Registration Date: 28.12.2017
Application No: C2013/033
Application Date: 03.04.2013
Name of Geographical Indication: Kırklareli Hardaliye
Product / Product Group: Beverage
Type of Geographical Indication: Geographical indication
Registrant: Kırklareli Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Address of the Registrant: Karakaş Mah. Karakasbey Sok. No: 10
Geographical Boundary: Kirklareli
Usage: Marking

Şile Cloth Geographical Registration Certificate

Registration Number: 272
Registration Date: 12.12.2017
Application No: C2014/059
Application Date: 26.08.2014
Name of Geographical Indication: Şile Cloth
Product Name: Woven Fabric
Type of Geographical Indication: Geographical Indication
Applicant: Şile Cloth Preservation and Development Association
Address of the Applicant: Hacı Kasım Mah. Uskudar Cad. Polat Apt. No:7 Şile / ISTANBUL
Geographical Boundary: Şile district of Istanbul province
Usage: Marking

Gonen Needle Lace

Registration Number:184
Application No:C2010/006 Applicant:Municipality of Gonen
Address of the Applicant: Atatürk Cad.
Government Square Gonen Town Hall Gonen Balikesir
Name of Geographical Indication:Gonen Needle Lace
Product Name: Needle Lace
Typeof Geographical Indication Geographical Indication Geographical
Turkey The
Gonen Usage:

Antep Kibbeh Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh, is a shuttle-shaped kibbeh, which is prepared by filling a mixture of bulgur and ground beef with roasted ground beef, a mixture of pistachios and walnuts registered as a geographical indication with the number 27, fried in oil or boiled in water. The distinctive feature of Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh is the walnuts and Antep Pistachios.

Antep Sumac Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Sumac is a spice obtained by drying and grinding the fruits of plants belonging to the cashew family (Anacardiaceae), and grows mainly naturally but also manually for commercial purposes in Gaziantep. It gives a sour taste to the dishes. The fruit of the Antep Sumac plant is round or slightly flattened lentil-shaped and single-seeded. It is reddish in color and sour in taste.

Antep Borek Soup Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Borek Soup / Antep Borek Soup is a soup made of small dough pieces prepared with mutton, chickpeas, strained yogurt, eggs and roasted minced meat and onions called borek/börek (pastry). It is served by pouring oil with mint and black pepper on it. Gaziantep Borek Soup / Antep Borek Soup is one of the soups prevalent in the cuisine of Gaziantep province, which is included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

Antep Butter Bulgur Balls Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Butter Bulgur Balls / Antep Butter Bulgur Balls are meatless raw bulgur balls prepared by mixing and kneading fine bulgur, ghee or butter, red pepper flakes, red paprika paste and other ingredients. Fine bulgur, one of the most important ingredients of Gaziantep cuisine, is the main ingredient of the dish.

Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables are usually made by stuffing various fresh vegetables with the stuffing prepared using rice or bulgur, onion, garlic, seasonings and preferably oily ground beef. Eggplants, bell peppers (red and green), tomatoes, fresh and pickled vine leaves, summer squash, haylan squash, beetroots and acurs are stuffed.

Antep Alaca Soup Protected Geographical Indication

The main ingredients of Gaziantep Alaca Soup / Antep Alaca Soup are Coarsely ground wheat, chickpeas and lentils, dried peppers and tarragon. It is served by pouring hot oil with dried mint upon request. It is consumed heavily especially in winter. The history of Gaziantep Alaca Soup / Antep Alaca Soup dates back to the Hittite period.

Antep Squash Dish Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Squash Dish / Antep Squash Dish is a spicy and sour local dish made by cooking winter squash (Cucurbita mixta) or summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) together with meat and chickpeas. Gaziantep Squash Dish / Antep Squash Dish dish belongs to the Antep cuisine culture and its history goes back to ancient times. In order for the squash to be cooked thoroughly so that it does not fall apart, lemon juice or sumac extract is added to the dish.

Antep Truffle Kebab Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep / Antep Truffle Kebab is made by arranging truffle mushrooms and medium or full-fat ground mutton or cubed meat together on skewers and cooking on the barbecue. Arrangement of the kebab skewers should be one mushroom and one piece of meat the size of a mushroom, one by one. Mushrooms should be at both ends of the skewer.

Antep Yoghurt Potato Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Yoghurt Potato / Antep Yoghurt Potato is a local dish prepared with condensed yoghurt, potatoes, chickpeas and diced meat. The distinctive feature of Gaziantep Yoghurt Potato / Antep Yoghurt Potato, is the materials used in its production, the safflower in its sauce, and the geographical boundary specific production method.

Antep Lebeniye Soup Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup / Antep Lebeniye Soup is a local soup prepared with condensed yoghurt, ground meat, chickpeas and rice. The distinctive feature of Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup / Antep Lebeniye Soup is due to the materials used in its production and the production method specific to the geographical border.

Antep Dograma Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Doğrama / Antep Doğrama is a local summer dish prepared with diced meat, boiled chickpeas and eggplant. The distinctive feature of Gaziantep Doğrama / Antep Doğrama is the local production method. Gaziantep Doğrama / Antep Doğrama has a long history within the region and has been featured in many cookbooks, promotional films and articles on Gaziantep cuisine.

Antep Steamed Meatballs Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Steamed Meatballs / Antep Steamed Meatballs is a local dish prepared by mixing coarse bulgur, full-fat ground mutton, onion, garlic, tomato paste and spices; kneading, and making walnut-sized meatballs and steaming these meatballs on a strainer called “süzek” within the region.

Antep Dried Bell Pepper Protected Designation of Origin

Antep Dried Bell Pepper/Gaziantep Dried Bell Pepper, one of the important elements of the rich Antep cuisine; is used in the production of stuffed peppers and is obtained by drying the bell peppers with the Latin species name of Capsicum annuum L. Antep Dried Bell Pepper/Gaziantep Dried Bell Pepper is hard, brittle and red in color. Antep Dried Bell Pepper/Gaziantep Dried Bell Pepper; known as a winter product obtained by drying the red bell peppers grown in Gaziantep by using natural methods under the sunlight, by stringing them together with a needle on a cotton thread after separating the stems and seeds.

Gaziantep Alenazik Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Alenazik / Antep Alenazik is a local dish prepared with eggplant, condensed yoghurt, garlic and mutton (diced or minced). Gaziantep Alenazik / Antep Alenazik, which is especially in demand during summer, is one of the most well-known dishes of Gaziantep cuisine. The geographical border-specific production method and the presentation require mastery skills. For these reasons, it has a reputation link with the geographical border.

Antep Loquat Kebab Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Loquat Kebab / Antep Loquat Kebab is a local kebab meal prepared using loquat and medium-fat minced meat, usually obtained from the breast of the sheep and minced with a meat cleaver. It can be produced in two ways, by putting the loquat and minced meat together in a bottle and cooking it on the barbecue, or by cutting the fruit in half and removing the seeds, then placing a meatball between, and placing it on a tray and cooking it in the oven.

Antep Green Plum Stew Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Green Plum Stew / Antep Green Plum Stew is a pan dish prepared using diced / minced meat, tomato paste and plums, cooked in a round tray in the oven or in a pot on the stove. Green plum is used in cooking. In general, hard, large and fleshy green plum gives Gaziantep Green Plum Stew / Antep Green Plum Stew its unique texture. In addition, the sour taste of the plum is preferred since it gives a slightly tart taste to the dish.

Gaziantep Haveydi Bulgur Balls Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Haveydi Bulgur Balls / Antep Haveydi Bulgur Balls  are prepared by mixing and kneading simit (fine bulgur), oil, onion, parsley and pepper paste. Gaziantep Haveydi Bulgur Balls / Antep Haveydi Bulgur Balls has a long history and are generally in demand during the winter months.

Gaziantep Bulgur Salad Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Bulgur Salad / Antep Bulgur Salad is a local dish obtained by kneading vegetables such as bulgur, tomatoes, onions, garlic, tomato paste and some spices in a tray. It can be produced with or without ground meat.

Gaziantep Stuffed Zucchini with Green Beans

Gaziantep Stuffed Zucchini with Green Beans; is a local dish produced by cooking green beans with meat and stuffed zucchini in the same pot. In the preparation of stuffed zucchini, vegetable marrow and fatty ground mutton; in the preparation of the dish, lean diced mutton is used.

Gaziantep Simit Kebab Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Simit Kebab / Antep Simit Kebab is one of the kebabs included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, belonging in the food culture of Gaziantep. Gaziantep Simit Kebab / Antep Simit Kebab, having a production method specific to Gaziantep, has a reputation link with the geographical border.

Antep Freekeh Pilaf Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Pilaf is one of the most well-known dishes of Gaziantep cuisine, which has been accepted in the UNESCO Creative Cities network. This pilaf, which was previously made at home and on special occasions, has become widespread over time. Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Pilaf, which has a long history and requires mastery skills, has a reputation link with the geographical border.

Oguzeli Dried Vegetables Protected Geographical Indication

Oğuzeli Dried Vegetables is a product obtained by drying the eggplant, zucchini and bell peppers that are grown in the geographical border starting from the provincial borders of Kilis in the south, continuing from Akbez to the province of Osmaniye in the west, encompassing the provincial border of Kahramanmaraş towards the north, continuing in the southeast direction until the districts of Pazarcık, Yavuzeli and Birecik towards the east, also encompassing the districts of Nizip and Oğuzeli towards the west.

Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur is one of the dolma meals (stuffed foods) that form an important part of the food culture of Gaziantep, which is included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network thanks to its rich cuisine. The main ingredients used in Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur’s production are the geographical indication Antep Freekeh, which is registered with No: 244, acur, coarse bulgur, minced meat, tomatoes, paprika and tomato paste.

Gaziantep Oz Soup Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Oz Soup / Antep Oz Soup is a soup prepared by using coarsely ground wheat  (ashura wheat), condensed yoghurt, chicken broth or bone broth, Antep pistachio registered as geographical indication and almonds. The coarsely ground wheat  is used by crushing it through a strainer.

Gaziantep Malhıta Balls Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Malhıta Balls / Gaziantep Lentil Balls is one of the most important dishes of Gaziantep cuisine. It is prepared by using fine bulgur (simit) and red lentils. It takes its name from the common name of red lentils in Gaziantep as "malhıta". In the production of Gaziantep Malhıta Balls / Gaziantep Lentil Balls, unlike other lentil balls, fresh or dry tarragon is used depending on the season.

Antep Kusleme Kebab Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Küşleme Kebab / Antep Küşleme Kebab is a local kebab prepared by mixing lamb tenderloin (küşleme) with salt and olive oil and cooking it on the barbecue. Gaziantep Küşleme Kebab / Antep Küşleme Kebab has been produced and consumed in Gaziantep for many years.

Antep Chickpea Roll Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Chickpea Roll / Antep Chickpea Roll; its history dates back to the 19th century, it is a food that is especially preferred for breakfast and lunch within the region, prepared by wrapping plain and tomato paste-enriched chickpeas with various garnishes (parsley, tomato, eggplant or french fries) in Antep Indented Pita / Gaziantep Indented Pita, registered as a geographical indication with the number 223.

Antep Menengic Coffee Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Menengiç Coffee / Gaziantep Menengiç Coffee / Antep Melengiç Coffee / Gaziantep Melengiç Coffee is a coffee substitute in paste form, obtained by roasting and grinding the wild menengiç (melengiç) (Pistacia terebinthus L.) grown in the mountains of Gaziantep. Oil content is high. It is cooked by mixing with milk. It does not contain caffeine.

Gaziantep Kuymak Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak is a local dessert prepared using the primary ingredients of flour, sugar, butter or ghee. This dessert, which is cooked in Gaziantep for puerperant women who have recently given birth, has become widespread and traded in time. The distinctive feature of the dessert is that it consists of two stages of service preparation, and in the last stage, melted butter or ghee is divided into bowls and served hot. In addition, its consistency is similar to that of roux.

Oğuzeli Sour Pomegranate Syrup Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Oğuzeli Pomegranate / Gaziantep Oğuzeli Pomegranate, which is registered as a geographical indication with the number 448, is used in the production of Oğuzeli Sour Pomegranate Syrup. It is produced without adding any sweeteners or additives and without using any device.

Gaziantep Milk Zerde Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Milk Zerde / Gaziantep Lined Rice Pudding is a dessert prepared by serving traditional flavors of Turkish cuisine, rice pudding and zerde together. Making a two-colored dessert by putting zerde on the rice pudding is the reason why the product is defined as "lined". Gaziantep Milk Zerde / Gaziantep Lined Rice Pudding is traditionally prepared during holidays.

Nizip Eggplant Protected Designation of Origin

Nizip Eggplant has become a product unique to the region by developing homogeneous characteristic as a result of being produced for many years by being spared from the harvests for the next production season.The length of the fruit is 15-20 cm, the diameter is 8-10 cm and the stem is spiny. There are purple, white and greenish colors in the form of longitudinal parallel lines on them, and the pulp is white, soft and has less nucleation.

Gaziantep Garlic Kebab Protected Geographical Indication

It is known that Gaziantep Garlic Kebab has been made widely in Gaziantep since the beginning of the 20th century. Gaziantep Garlic Kebab is a meat dish produced by using local products. Within the region, the dish is also called "samırsak kebab" or "samsak kebab". The most important distinguishing feature is the garlic. The cloves of the garlic should be juicy and the flavor should not be too sharp yet.

Gaziantep Garlic Dish Protected Geographical Indication

It is known that Gaziantep Garlic Dish has been made widely in Gaziantep since the beginning of the 20th century. Gaziantep Garlic Dish is a meat dish made by using local products. Within the region, the dish is also called "sarmısak dish" or "samsak dish". The most important distinguishing feature is the garlic used. The cloves of the garlic used in the preparation of the dish should be juicy and the garlic flavor should not be too sharp yet.

Antep Urmu Mulberry Syrup Protected Geographical Indication

Urmu mulberry grown in Gaziantep is used in the preparation of Antep Urmu Mulberry Syrup / Gaziantep Urmu Mulberry Syrup. Urmu mulberry is generally grown in cities with continental climate characteristics and is mostly known as sour black mulberry among locals. Gaziantep province is also one of the provinces where this kind of mulberry is grown.

Araban Garlic Protected Designation of Origin

Araban Garlic is a large, highly appealing garlic with white head skin and clove skin color, and cream-yellow clove color. It belongs to the Allium Sativum L. species. Due to the climate and growing conditions, the head of Araban Garlic, which is an early comer garlic, is oval in cross section and elliptical in longitudinal section. There are antesion strips on the head shell and teeth.

Antep Pekmez Protected Geographical Indication

It is a local solid grape molasses in paste consistency and amber color produced in Gaziantep. Pekmez, which can be spread on bread and eaten, can also be melted and consumed in syrup form. The phrase “You go to Antep, you eat pekmez.” proves that Antep Pekmez / Gaziantep Pekmez is one of the first products that come to mind when Gaziantep is mentioned.

Nizip Mint Protected Geographical Indication

Differentiating with its green color and unique aroma, Nizip Mint (Mentha spicata L.) is supplied to the market as fresh and dried. The cultivation of Nizip Mint started in the 1960s and is produced by the seedling method. What gives Nizip Mint its aroma and quality features are; climatic conditions of the region, soil structure, number of sunny days, temperature, harvest time and the drying method.

Antep Oguzeli Pomegranate Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Oğuzeli Pomegranate is obtained from the Oğuzeli cultivar of Punica granatum L., which is grown in Gaziantep and is distinguished by its slightly flattened corners, square-like shape, yellowish-white grain color and sweetness when it ripens. Unlike other pomegranate varieties, this pomegranate variety, which does not have a sour/tart taste, is traditionally grown in Gaziantep.

Antep Liquorice Sherbet Protected Geographical Indication

Liquorice sherbet, acquired by using Glycyrrhiza glabra L. from liquorice species and prepared by adding cinnamon, cloves and rose water, and consumed in Gaziantep during summer, Ramadan and on religiously important days.

Antep Cookie Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Cookie is made by using semolina, geographical indication registered Şanlıurfa Ghee (Urfa Butter), Boziç pistachio which is obtained by early harvesting of geographical indication registered Antep Pistachio, white sugar and flour, and baked in stone ovens in traditional production.

Gaziantep Green Olive Pastry Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep Green Olive Pastry has been produced in Gaziantep for more than a century, from olives (suitable for making olive oil) grown in Central Gaziantep, Nizip district and Kilis. They are shaped in half moon forms and around 14-15 centimeters in diameter.

Antep Dried Eggplant Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Dried Eggplant is consumed as stuffed and is a known and important dried vegetable that has survived for many years. Antep cuisine and "Balcan dolma" (stuffed eggplant) are featured in the book "Food Treatise" written by Ali Esref Dede in the 18th century.

Antep Triangles Protected Geographical Indication

The grape fruit leather is cut into strips with an average width of 6.5 cm and a length of 20-27 cm. Approximately 5 grams, 14-18% of the total triangle mass, triangle filling (also called triangle mixture) consisting of pistachios, starch and powdered sugar is placed in the strips. Antep Triangle is made by wrapping it in a triangular shape. The mass of 1 triangle varies between 32-35 grams.

Antep Cheese Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Cheese is a local cheese produced in Gaziantep and bearing the name of the same province. Antep Cheese is a type of cheese traditionally made from the milk of domestic ovine & caprine animals grazed in the pastures of Gaziantep. It is also called “pişken” or “kelle” in Gaziantep.

Nizip Soap Protected Designation of Origin

Soap production has been present in Nizip district for many years. One of the most important features that distinguishes Nizip soap from other soaps is that it is made from pomace oil consisting of the pulp of Nizip Olive Oil, which also has a geographical indication registration, and the acid of Nizip Olive Oil.

Antep Siveydiz Protected Geographical Indication

Gaziantep cuisine has enriched as a result of its location on the historical Silk Road, having hosted many civilizations throughout history, and trying to use what was available in times of famine. Antep Şiveydiz, which is made using fresh garlic, scallions, meat, chickpeas and condensed yoghurt, is one of the most famous vegetable dishes with yoghurt in Antep cuisine.

Antep Village Ka'ak Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Village Ka'ak is a special cookie made in Gaziantep, especially during Ramadan Feasts, containing spices such as mayana (fennel), black cumin, cinnamon and sesame. It is produced by special processes with chickpea yeast.

Antep Bulgur Protected Geographical Indication

Bulgur has been consumed by different cultures since ancient times as one of the first processed food products in the world. Bulgur is the product obtained by cleaning, cooking, drying and classification of wheat.

Antep Katmer Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Katmer, which is one of the important elements of Gaziantep cuisine, is mentioned in the Dede Korkut stories, many of which take place in East and Southeast Anatolia. The way of production and knowledge of mastery originating from this region spread to other regions over time.

Antep Freekeh Protected Designation of Origin

Wheat that is smoked/burned in the field without husking while it is still green is called freekeh (firik). Freekeh is a local product similar to bulgur and rice in appearance, green-brown in color and generally made from durum wheat.

Antep Pistachio Butter Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Pistachio Butter is a dessert unique to Gaziantep province, and has been made for many years. It is prepared by mixing the early harvested Antep Pistachio, called “boziç”, with sugar in certain amounts. The distinctive feature of Antep Pistachio Butter is the pistachio used in the production of the paste and the production method.

Gaziantep Lahmacun Protected Geographical Indication

Lahmacun is made by placing the toppings (minced meat, parsley, onion, garlic and various spices) on the spread dough and then cooking in stone ovens. Lahmacun, a very old Anatolian food, is mentioned as "Lahm-ı Acin Pastry" in Evliya Çelebi's book Seyahatname in the 17th century.

Antep Indented Pita Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Indented Pita / Gaziantep Indented Pita / Antep Pita, which has a long history and is a part of Antep cuisine, is an oval shaped flat bread approximately 20 cm wide, 39 cm long and approximately 1 cm thick.

Antep Yuvarlama / Antep Yuvalama Protected Geographical Indication

The traditional feast dish of Ramadan in Gaziantep is yuvarlama. It is eaten for breakfast on the first day of the feast. It is also called yuvalama in the local dialect.

Antep Beyran Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Beyran is a local dish with meat and rice. According to the records, the first Beyran shop was opened in the Gaziantep bazaar in 1885. Production technique and expertise are the most important factors in the making of Antep Beyran. It is very laborsome to make and takes hours to prepare.

Antep Embroidery Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Embroidery is a type of embroidery made by the local people in the Gaziantep region. Antep Embroidery is classified as “Antep Antique Embroidery” and “Antep Colored Embroidery” according to fabric and yarn properties. “Antep Antique Embroidery” is a type of embroidery made using white, yellow and cream colored silk and cotton threads on white or cream-colored fabric, while “Antep Colored Embroidery” is a type of embroidery in which different colored threads are used and ornaments are made with susma and openwork techniques.

Antep Kutnu Fabric Protected Geographical Indication

Antep Kutnu Fabric is a kind of atlas fabric produced and used in Gaziantep for centuries, usually woven with warp satin or plain weave, and demonstrating striped patterns. The warp is fine silk, the weft is cotton and silk mixed, mostly a multi-striped fabric. Over time, artificial silk (floss) yarn has been used for its warp and cotton yarn has been used for its weft.

Gaziantep Nacre Handwork Protected Geographical Indication

Nacre or ivory, inlaid with special steel pens on walnut, hornbeam and rarely rose trees, is enriched by processing with silver or brass wires with the support of filigree art. The proper processing and cleanliness of the rich and unique motifs and fine details of the region on the product, which is prepared by burning or dyeing by masters, emerges as a distinctive regional feature.

Gaziantep Copper Handwork Protected Geographical Indication

The most used mineral in Anatolia is copper. Copper items are made from copper and by processing the so-called brass (a mixture of copper and zinc). The peculiarity of Gaziantep copper processing is that it is manufactured as a monolith, in which fusing processes such as soldering and welding are not used

Nizip Olive Oil Protected Geographical Indication

"Nizip Olive Oil" is an oil from traditional Turkish cuisine. It is an important vegetable oil that is obtained mechanically from the ripe fruits of the olive tree (olea europa L), liquid at room temperature, clear green to yellow in color, unique taste and odor, and can be consumed naturally.

Antep Baklava Protected Geographical Indication

“Antep Baklava” is a traditional dessert of Turkish cuisine. In Gaziantep, by being taught from father to son, from master to apprentice, it differed from home-made baklava with its production style and taste. The product is a dessert made by cooking pistachio and cream between very thin layers of dough and adding sherbet onto it.

Antep Pistachio Protected Designation of Origin Certificate

In accordance with Article 20 of the Decree Law No. 555, the inspections of the Antep Pistachio geographical indication for compliance with the technical specifications of the production of the same product of others will be carried out in two stages; Fruit and Tree inspections, with the coordination of the Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce.

Geographical Trademark Registry Document Of Erzurum Cağ Kebab

The most significant feature that distinguishes Oltu Cag Kebab from other types of kebab is that the meat used in the mentioned kebab is derived from sheep raised in the natural environment of the region by feeding on natural foods in the highlands, and as a production technique, it is cooked horizontally in wood fire with skewer called Cağ and if wanted it is served without Cağ by cutting into directly to the plate. While preparing Oltu Cag Kebab, no other ingredients are added other than those specified in the production method.