
Şile Cloth and Gaziantep Embroidered Blouses Category

This category offers specially crafted pieces adorned with traditional handicrafts. Blouses made from Şile cloth are distinguished by their natural, breathable fabric. Meanwhile, blouses embellished with Gaziantep embroidery represent a fusion of elegance and uniqueness.

Şile Cloth Blouses

Embroidered Bag Blouse - Şile Cloth These blouses are crafted from Şile cloth and adorned with intricate embroidery. Each piece offers a natural and comfortable wearing experience.

Plain Bag Blouse - Şile Cloth Designed with Şile cloth, these blouses stand out with their simplicity and natural textures. Available in different color options to suit every style.

Gaziantep Embroidered Blouses

Gaziantep Embroidered Needle Lace Silk Chiffon Blouse These blouses are crafted from silk chiffon fabric and adorned with Gaziantep's special embroidery techniques. The needle lace details add uniqueness to each piece.

Gaziantep Embroidered Cotton Blouse with Openwork Details Made from cotton fabric, these blouses feature Gaziantep's openwork details, combining elegance and comfort.

Each blouse carries the meticulous details of craftsmanship, combining elegance and cultural richness in fashion. You can purchase these special pieces at neyivar at affordable prices.

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