

At Neyivar, you can find many high-quality, traditional, registered, and geographically indicated products. Among these, one of the most important categories is regional legume varieties. An evening meal made with Karacadağ rice and Ispir dried beans purchased from Neyivar will take you on a tour across Turkey, içli köfte made with Mardin bulgur will introduce you to the tastes of different cultures, and pastries made with Siyez flour will make you feel the ambiance of Kastamonu. These dry legume products from Neyivar are delivered to your door directly from their region. In short, the legume varieties available at Neyivar will take you on a culinary journey through Turkey in your own kitchen, allowing you to taste different regional dishes and feel different atmospheres. Every product at Neyivar will transport you to its homeland. Accessing different regional, high-quality, geographically indicated, and, most importantly, registered flavors and discovering different cultures is this easy with Neyivar.

Regional Legume Varieties at Neyivar

Legumes are an essential member of our kitchens. There are many dishes made with legume varieties in Turkish cuisine. However, the freshness of the legumes we consume is a very important issue. Using stale legumes to cook can diminish the flavor of your dish and may cause some discomfort in the short term. Fortunately, Neyivar saves you from all these troubles. At Neyivar, you can find geographically indicated products and registered products. You can easily access dry food products and obtain various regional sauces and spices. Moreover, the products available at Neyivar are registered. This means you can cook with the dry legume products you purchase from Neyivar with peace of mind and confidently serve these dishes to your table.

Legume Varieties

Legumes are a fundamental part of a healthy diet, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are versatile, delicious, and filling. Here are some of them:

Green Lentils

Green lentils are rich in protein and fiber, and they can be used in everything from salads to soups. They are low in calories and high in nutritional value.

Fine Bulgur for Köfte

Fine bulgur is made from finely ground wheat and is especially used in dishes like köfte and kısır. It is rich in fiber and a filling alternative.

Siyez Bulgur

Siyez bulgur is made from one of the oldest wheat varieties, Siyez wheat. It is known for its low glycemic index and high nutritional value. It is often preferred in pilafs and salads.

Red Kidney Beans

Red kidney beans are rich in protein and iron. They are used in various dishes, especially in salads and stews. They are a filling and nutritious legume.


Chickpeas are known for their protein and fiber content. They can be used in hummus, falafel, soups, and salads. They are an ideal choice for a healthy diet.

Buckwheat (Greçka)

Buckwheat is a gluten-free legume known for its high protein and fiber content. It can be used in salads, pilafs, and breakfast recipes.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, and various minerals. They are often used in smoothies, yogurt, and salads.

Dermason Beans

Dermason beans are rich in protein and fiber and are typically used in traditional Turkish dried bean dishes. They are a nutritious and filling alternative.

Horoz Beans

Horoz beans are a staple in Turkish cuisine. They are high in protein and are commonly used in stews and pilaki dishes.

Local Borlotti Beans

Local borlotti beans are rich in protein and fiber and are particularly used in olive oil-based dishes and salads. They are a healthy and nutritious type of legume.

Whole Wheat Flour from Amik Plain Karakılçık

Whole wheat flour from Karakılçık wheat grown in Amik Plain is known for its high nutritional value and healthy properties. It can be used in bread, pastries, and various baked goods.

Dried Fava Beans

Dried fava beans are rich in protein and fiber, commonly used in dishes like fava bean dip and soups. They are a healthy and filling legume.

Beluga Lentils

Beluga lentils are known for their black color and small size. They are a nutritious choice due to their high protein and fiber content and can be used in salads, soups, and pilafs.

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber. They can be used in yogurt, smoothies, salads, and bread making. They are ideal for a healthy diet.


Amaranth is a gluten-free grain rich in protein and fiber. It can be used in pilafs, salads, and breakfast recipes. It is known for its high nutritional value.

Coarse Bulgur for Pilaf

Coarse bulgur is made from larger grains of wheat and is preferred for making pilaf. It is rich in fiber and a filling legume.

Yellow Lentils

Yellow lentils are rich in protein and fiber. They are used in soups, salads, and dishes. They are easy to cook and nutritious.

Local Stone-Ground Cornmeal from Tonya

Local stone-ground cornmeal from Tonya, Trabzon, is ground using traditional methods. It is used in bread, cornbread, and other baked goods.


Couscous is a small, round grain made from wheat semolina. It is used in salads, pilafs, and as a side dish. It is a practical and delicious alternative.


Tarhana is a Turkish soup made from fermented yogurt, flour, tomatoes, and various vegetables that are dried and ground. It is known for its high nutritional value and flavor.

These legume varieties offer excellent options for a healthy and balanced diet. They can be obtained at reasonable prices from Neyivar.com, adding flavor to your meals.

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