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Antep Beyran Protected Geographical Indication

Monday, July 4, 2022

No: 207 - Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)









Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality


The geographical indication, the technical features and control format of which are given in the annex; were announced in the Official Gazette dated 10.04.2016 and numbered 29680 and registered on 13.01.2017.


Registration Number                                                          : 207

Registration Date                                                                : 08.05.2015

Application Number                                                           : C2015/020

Applicant                                                                             : Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Address of Applicant                                                          : Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi 27090 Şehitkamil GAZIANTEP

Name of Geographical Indication                                     : Antep Beyran

Name of the Product                                                          : Beyran (Local Food)

Type of Geographical Indication                                        : Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

Geographical Limits                                                             : Gaziantep Province

Usage format                                                                       : Branding



Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Antep Beyran is a local dish with meat and rice. According to the records, the first Beyran shop was opened in the Gaziantep bazaar in 1885. Production technique and expertise are the most important factors in the making of Antep Beyran. It is very laborsome to make and takes hours to prepare. Meat and marrow bones should be cooked on low heat for 10-12 hours, and the meat should be shredded. Cooked rice is added in a copper pan that is oiled with tallow or optionally without oil. The copper pan is placed on the stove, the broth, red pepper, black pepper and garlic are added; the copper pan is taken out of the stove with pliers and served hot. The food is served in boiling state and the use of a copper pan is a must.


Ingredients Used in the Production of Antep Beyran:

Meat: The meat of a male sheep called Toklu, or a female sheep called şişek, which has never given birth, is used. The softness of the meat, which is one of the most important factors in the taste of meat, varies according to the animal's type, age, nutrition, amount of intermediate tissues and resting situation after slaughter. The meat used in Antep Beyran is the meat of the sheep, called Toklu, which is younger than a year old, or the meat of the sheep, which has never given birth, called şişek. Fat level of the meat also affects its tenderness. Well-nourished animal meats are fatter and their meat is softer, so, well-nourished animal meats are chosen for use in Antep Beyran.

The meats used must be healthy animal meats. Meat that is cut in the slaughterhouse and kept at 0-1ᵒC for 24 hours is distributed to butchers and must be kept in cold places (refrigerator). Pieced meats can be stored for two or three days; if it is desired to be stored for a longer time, it can be divided into quantities to be cooked, wrapped in oiled paper and stored in the freezer (-2ᵒC) for a few weeks. Meat can be frozen at -32ᵒC in freezer rooms and stored at -18ᵒC for a long time. Frozen meat is thawed in a cold place (refrigerator) or in freezer rooms. Thawed meat cannot be froze again. The Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Meat and Meat Products is complied, by paying attention not to spoil the cold chain of the meat.

Rice: The rice used must be fully milled, 1st Class or 2nd Class rice suitable for making pilaf, in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Rice Communiqué.
Garlic: Must be winter dried garlic. It should not be green.

Tallow: It must be the tallow of the sheep. It should be stored in the same conditions as meat.

Red Chilli Powder: It should be in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Spices Communiqué.

Black Pepper: It should be in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Spices Communiqué.

Onions: Winter yellow onions, not sprouted or rotten.

Lemon: Must be fresh, not rotten or moldy.


Production Method:


The most important ingredient of Antep Beyran is the meat. The flavor of the meat is affected by how soft it is and how it’s cooked. The meat used in making Beyran is obtained only from the shoulder and neck parts the sheep. Lots of marrow bones are also cooked with the meat.

Preparations for Antep Beyran start one day in advance. Meat and marrow bones to be used in the preparation of Beyran are kept in water for a few hours (1-3 hours) so that the broth is clear; this water is changed several times until the meat releases its bloody red juice. Then the meat is taken into a copper cauldron and enough water to cover the meat is added and it is let to boil. When the broth boils, skimmed fat should be completely removed. Skimmed fat (kef) means the residue, foam that accumulates on the surface of boiling meat or bone broth. Kef is collected by a colander and thrown away. If this process is skipped, the broth will not be clear. After the skimmed fat is taken out, the tallow grinded in the meat grinder or mincing knife (zırh) is added to the cauldron as 40-50 g per every 1.5-2 kg of boned meat and the foam formed on the surface is removed again. Salt is added. In order to add flavor to the broth, 1-2 pieces of peeled onion and 1 lemon (to be taken and thrown away later) are added as whole to the cauldron. The cauldron is closed and the meat with bones and tallow is cooked on low heat for at least 10-12 hours. Therefore, beyran is usually prepared at night and left to cook overnight. Beyran, which was cooked on wood fire in the past, is now cooked in modern type stoves.

At the end of the cooking time, the cauldron is opened and the meat is drained and taken to another container. While the meat is hot, the nerves and fats are separated and shredded. In the meantime, the rice is boiled in water without oil and salt, keeping it slightly underdone, this is called bald pilaf. Strained broth and crushed garlic are also kept ready. Since it is served hot, a copper pan (plate) must be used. Depending on demand, it is served with fat on the base of the plate or without. In the service with fat, the melted fat layer that accumulates on the top when the cauldron is opened is removed and filtered, a full tablespoon of each is placed in the lined up plates and left to cool. These copper plates are held with pliers and placed over fire on the beyran hearth. First, boiled rice (bald pilaf) is lightly roasted in the heated oil, and meat shreds are placed covering the rice. On the fire, the fat at the bottom of the copper pan melts, crushed garlic and red pepper flakes are added, at that moment the broth is poured on top. As soon as the broth is added, the fat flares up. It is taken from the stove with pliers and served hot in the copper plate. If the base is served without fat, boiled rice is placed on the copper dish and the shredded meat is placed on top of the rice. The copper pan is placed on the fire, crushed garlic and red pepper flakes are added on it, and the broth is poured over it.


Ingredients for One Serving of Antep Beyran:

50-70 g Cooked, shredded mutton

10-15 g of fat put on the bottom of the copper plate (optional)

50-70 g Boiled plain rice without salt or oil (Bald Pilaf)

8-12 g Garlic

10-15 g Red pepper flakes

3-5 g Black Pepper

Meat broth (the amount is optional)

Lemon (can be added on top, optional)

Salt (optional)


Production, Processing and Other Operations to be Performed within the Geographical Boundary:

The commercial construction of Antep Beyran originating from Gaziantep province dates back to 1885, it is famous for its long and laborsome production and its need for expertise. For this reason, all stages of production should take place in Gaziantep.



Inspections on whether Antep Beyran is produced in accordance with the specified specifications, are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6769, under the coordination of the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Police Department Representative, by a 3-person supervisory board comprised of the Representative of the Gaziantep Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and the Representative of the Gaziantep Chambers of Merchants and Craftsmen.

The supervisory board regularly audits the content of the above-mentioned ingredients, the preparation, cooking and presentation of the beyrans produced by companies using the name "Antep Beyran" once a year; takes legal action against those who use the name "Antep Beyran" unfairly and against the rules, and always conducts inspections upon complaint and when needed. Inspection reports are regularly sent to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality.

Original text from