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Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables Protected Geographical Indication

Monday, July 18, 2022

No: 790 – Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) 









This geographical indication was registered on 01.07.2021 to be protected as of 04.07.2020 within the scope of the Industrial Property Law No. 6769.


Registration Number                                       : 790

Registration Date                                             : 01.07.2021

Application Number                                        : C2020/172

Application Date                                              : 04.07.2020

Name of Geographical Indication                  : Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables /
                                                                             Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables

Product / Product Group                                : Meals / Dishes and Soups

Type of Geographical Indication                    : Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

Registrant                                                         : Gaziantep Development Foundation

Address of Registrant                                      : İncilipınar Mah. 36004 Nolu Cad. No:6 Sehitkamil GAZIANTEP

Geographical Boundary                                  : Gaziantep province

Usage Format                                                   : The phrase Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed
                                                                             Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables and the name of origin emblem
                                                                             are placed on the product itself or on its packaging. When it cannot be used on
                                                                             the product itself or on its packaging, the phrase Antep Red & Green Stuffed
                                                                             Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed
                                                                             Vegetables and the emblem of the name of origin are kept in the business in such
                                                                             a way that it can be easily seen.


Product Description and Distinctive Features: 

Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables are usually made by stuffing various fresh vegetables with the stuffing prepared using rice or bulgur, onion, garlic, seasonings and preferably oily ground beef. Eggplants, bell peppers (red and green), tomatoes, fresh and pickled vine leaves, summer squash, haylan squash, beetroots and acurs are stuffed. In order to add sourness to the dish, green plum, verjuice and sumac extract may be added during cooking. It is usually made in summer.

Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables are named as "red & green" and "embroidered" because of the colorful appearance of different colored vegetables cooked in one single pot.

Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables, which are often produced in Gaziantep, especially in picnic organizations called sahre, on special days such as Hıdırellez and Newroz, for weddings, invitations and holidays, have a reputation link with the geographical border.

Production Method:  

Ingredients (8-10 servings):

∙ 10 small eggplants

∙ 10 small zucchini

∙ 5 green and/or red bell peppers

∙ 5 medium size tomatoes

∙ 30 vine leaves (fresh / pickled)

The number of stuffed vegetables can vary. If desired, marrow, haylan squash, beet and acur can also be stuffed.

∙ 500 g full-fat minced meat (or 350 g minced meat and 150 g ground tail fat)

∙ 3.5-4 glasses of rice or 3-3.5 glasses of bulgur

∙ 2-3 tablespoons of paprika paste

∙ 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste

∙ 3-4 medium size onions

∙ 2 heads of garlic

∙ 1.5 dessert spoons of black pepper

∙ Juice of 2-3 lemons or 2-3 tablespoons of sumac extract or 3-4 tablespoons of grape verjus or 1 tablespoon of lemon salt

∙ 10-15 green plums (optional)

∙ Salt



Fresh vegetables and vine leaves are washed and the vegetables are hollowed out. Eggplants are rested in salted water. Optionally, the mixture of salt and pepper is rubbed into the zucchini. The cut tops of all fresh vegetables are separated to be used as lids.

Rice or bulgur is washed and the water is drained. Meanwhile, chopped onions, garlic, salt, black pepper, tomato and paprika paste and minced meat are kneaded with the stuffing obtained by carving the tomatoes. This mixture is thoroughly mixed with the washed rice/bulgur until the paste loosens up. The vegetables are stuffed without too much pressure. The openings of the hollowed out vegetables are shut with the tops of the fresh vegetables that were cut beforehand, or with the peeled tomatoes or vine leaves. From bottom to top, the stuffed zucchini, eggplants, bell peppers and tomatoes are placed in the pot, respectively. The pot is closed down either with a dolma stone, widely used in the region, or with a heavy and heat-resistant plate. Hot water is added to the pot until it is one finger above the stuffed veggies. After it starts to boil, the heat is lowered, but the pot is left to boil for another 45-55 minutes, which is the cooking time of the dish.

35-40 minutes after it starts to boil, lemon juice, lemon salt, sumac extract or grape verjus is diluted with half a glass of water and added to the pot. Optionally, green plums are placed on the top as well.

After the dish is cooked, the water is drained and the lid of the pot is closed. It is left to rest for 10 to 15 minutes. It is served with the filtered water of the dish back on it.


The Production, Processing and Other Operations to be Performed within the Geographical Boundary:

Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables has a long history and a geographically unique production method. Thus, all production stages of Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables, which have a reputation link with the geographical border, must be carried out within the specified geographical boundary.



Inspections are carried out under the coordination of Gaziantep Development Foundation, by a 5-person supervisory authority to be formed with the participation of Gaziantep Development Foundation, Gaziantep Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Gaziantep Union of Chambers of Merchants and Craftsmen and Gaziantep University Gastronomy Department. Inspections are carried out regularly once a year, in case of complaints or whenever deemed necessary.

The inspection criteria are listed below.

∙ The compatibility of the materials used.

∙ The compliance with the production method.

∙ The compatibility of the appearance of the final product.

∙ The compatibility of the usage of the phrase Antep Red & Green Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Embroidered Stuffed Vegetables / Antep Summer Stuffed Vegetables, its logo and the emblem of the geographical indication.

The supervisory authority may benefit from or purchase services of public or private institutions, or natural or private entities in charge, during the execution of the inspection. The registrant carries out the legal processes for the protection of rights.

Original text from