

A different flavor in each grain: Ipsala Rice

According to research, it is said that there are approximately 7,000 to 10,000 rice varieties in the world. One of these is Ipsala rice. Most of us have seen this type of rice, but most of us are unaware that rice actually has many varieties. If we talk a little about the characteristics of Ipsala rice; its color is close to yellow, it has a long and glassy structure in size. Ipsala rice needs plenty of water in the first time of germination and drought when it comes to harvesting. Due to its need for plenty of water in germination, it has generally found a place for itself in regions close to water. Ipsala rice is first in paddy form and sowing is done in May. Then, on average, it reaches harvest maturity at the end of August and the beginning of September. It is polished in factories, the crop is obtained and offered to the consumer. Especially the difference between day and night temperature is very different from each other, which negatively affects the crop formation. Edirne is the most frequently mentioned city for its production, but the Marmara Region also plays a major role in its production. c

Ipsala rice, like other white or brown rice varieties, may differ from each other in color or size, but the ratio of fat, carbohydrate or protein it contains is similar. As a food source, it has been important for humans since the past. Ipsala rice is indispensable for dry beans, as well as its use is varied up to the taste of pilaf with vegetables or pilaf with meat, so people can create different flavors according to their own preference.

Benefits of Ipsala Rice

In terms of your health, Ipsala rice is very rich with the nutrients it contains. Ipsala rice, which is very useful from heart failure to excess edema in the body, is also a good option for diabetic patients. It is very beneficial for the body as it contains carbohydrates and especially vitamin D, iron, plenty of fiber and calcium. Ipsala rice is an important food source for individuals with blood pressure problems as well as metabolism and immune system health.   

How to Understand the Quality of Ipsala Rice?

Modern agricultural methods, which are frequently used today, are a factor affecting its quality. According to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, some rice varieties have received geographical indication registration and İpsala rice is among these rice types, so how it is grown is important. In addition to the climatic conditions in which the rice will grow, the amount of water used, the cultivation of Ipsala rice, its processing and storage, the humidity in the factory where it is stored, and finally the undamaged delivery of the product to the target market are the points to be considered.  

Another point that affects the quality of İpsala rice is the removal and cleaning of soil or stones, insects, broken or undersized rice grains.

Rice Varieties

Ipsala Rice

Ipsala Rice is grown in the Ipsala Plain, one of the most fertile rice fields in Turkey. This type of rice is known for its large grains and flavor. It is especially preferred for making pilaf and stands out with its ability to remain grainy during cooking.

Basmati Rice

Basmati Rice is known for its long and fine grains. This rice, which is widely used especially in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, attracts attention with its pleasant smell and light structure. It is frequently preferred in pilafs with its grains that elongate when cooked.

Thracian Baldo Rice

Thrace Baldo Rice is a high quality rice grown in the Thrace region of Turkey. It is known for its large and round grains and the fact that it remains grainy when cooked. It is one of the most preferred rice types in pilaf making in Turkish cuisine.

Osmancık Rice

Osmancık Rice is grown in Osmancık district of Çorum province in Turkey. This rice is known for its medium-sized grains and flavor. It is frequently preferred in pilaf making with its ability to remain grainy when cooked.

Black Rice

Black Rice is a nutritious type of rice known for its high antioxidant content. It has a more intense flavor than other types of rice. It is used in salads, pilafs and special dishes.

Jasmine Rice

Jasmine Rice is an aromatic type of rice widely used especially in Thai cuisine. It attracts attention with its long grains and distinctive fragrance. It is known for its soft and light texture when cooked.

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