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Geographical Trademark Registry Document Of Erzurum Cağ Kebab

Tuesday, November 30, 2021




 Registration No: 127
Application Date: 17.05.2007
Application No: C2007/004
Publication Date: 03/07/2009
Type of Geographical Indication: Trademark
Applicant: Oltu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Address of the Applicant: Osman Ayyıldız Cad. Merkez Sok. No:9/1 Oltu / ERZURUM
Product Name: KEBAP
Name of the Trademark: OLTU CAĞ KEBABI
Type of Usage: Branding
Geographical Boundaries: Borders of Oltu District of Erzurum Province (can be produced within the borders of Turkey, provided that the specified specifications are adhered to)

Additional information is attached.

The geographical indication, the technical specifications and control format of which are given in the annex; was announced in the Official Gazette dated 03.07.2009 with number 27277. It has been registered to be valid as of 17.05.2007 in accordance with Article 12 of the Decree-Law on Protection of Geographical Indications No. 555.

                                Kutay KUMBASAR
                                Sign and Signature
                        Director of Branding Department
                        On behalf of President of the Institute


Registration No: 127
Geographical Indication: OLTU CAG KEBABI

Product Overview and Distinctive Features: The most significant feature that distinguishes Oltu Cag Kebab from other types of kebab is that the meat used in the mentioned kebab is derived from sheep raised in the natural environment of the region by feeding on natural foods in the highlands, and as a production technique, it is cooked horizontally in wood fire with skewer called Cağ and if wanted it is served without Cağ by cutting into directly to the plate. While preparing Oltu Cag Kebab, no other ingredients are added other than those specified in the production method.

Production area: It can be produced within the boundaries of Turkey  (provided that it is consistent with specified features)

Trademark Information: The most significant feature that distinguishes Oltu Cag Kebab from other types of kebab is that the meat used in the mentioned kebab is derived from sheep raised in the natural environment of the region by feeding on natural foods in the highlands; besides, since the aforementioned kebab was prepared with the style and method of the production specific to the masters in the Oltu region for many years, which was specified in the production method section, the dish is known as Oltu Cağ Kebab all over Turkey. The production technique of the district of Oltu was accepted by the state and public over time, and the relevant way of producing kebab was defined as OLTU KEBABI in the dictionary, the 1st edition of which was prepared by the Turkish Language Association in 1945. Furthermore, above-mentioned definition was acknowledged by various NGOs. Anatolian Folk Cuisine Platform has accepted the product as OLTU CAĞ KEBABI. Due to the fact that only the techniques and methods specific to the region are used in the production of the aforementioned kebab, a request for trademark has been made for the product

Production Method: Meat Preparation: Meat obtained from at least one year old sheep raised in a natural environment in the highlands is separated from the nerves, veins and membranes. The fat content of the meat should be between 25%-30%. If the fat content of the meat is high, it is removed. The meat, which was boned before, is prepared in a suitable way to be skewered. Although there is no specific size for the meat pieces, the meat should be cut into pieces in proportion to the length and thickness of the skewer. For example, if the diameter of the skewer is 30 cm, the length of the meat to be used should be 60 cm, that is, twice as much. The meat is salted and rested for a day. The rested meat is thoroughly kneaded and prepared with a special blend obtained by kneading the finely chopped onions with black pepper and turning it into putty. The prepared meat is skewered and slightly compressed. It is important that the skewer used is made of chrome and that the meat-stuffing area is 2X2 cm in size and has four corners.

Cooking: The prepared skewer is cooked in a oven lit by using fruit or oak wood. The fact that the oven is made of stone or brick is important for the unique taste of Oltu Cağ Kebab. Half an hour before the skewer is put on the fire, the fire should be lit and the stove should be completely heated. The skewer is placed horizontally on the special mechanism at a height of 15 cm from the table and at a suitable distance according to the state of the fire, and the skewer is turned as it cooks. The level of turning the color of the meat from red to brown is the appropriate cooking situation.

Presentation: Cooked Oltu Cag Kebab is traditionally served on a small skewer called Cag or, without skewers by cutting without Cağ on a plate upon request. The meat-stuffing part of the small skewer called Cağ is made of chrome, produced as 20 cm long, 2 mm thick and 3 mm wide, with a pointed tip. Traditionally, a wooden handle is preferred. In case of using Cag, special cag's are skewered into the meat on the and cut to a thickness of 4-7 mm with a knife called a kebab knife. The lower part of the cağ is fried on the grill prepared next to the oven and served on a porcelain or chrome plate. One Cağ Oltu Kebab is averagely served as 80 gr. In the case of serving with plate without Cag, the mentioned serving is presented as 100 gr. Oltu Cağ Kebab is served on a separate plate, with cold cuts of onions and cold tomatoes depending on the season.

Inspection: The inspection of Oltu Cağ Kebab's compliance with the above conditions will be conducted by a three-person commission, with the participation of 1 staff from Oltu Municipality, one food engineer from Oltu Vocational School, and one staff from Oltu Chamber of Commerce, which will be formed under the coordination of Oltu Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The use and control of the trademark of Oltu Cağ Kebab is under the control of the aforementioned commission, and the relevant commission against those who use the geographical indication unfairly will initiate the necessary legal proceedings. The said commission will conduct the audit on the use of trademark on a yearly basis, when needed and at any time upon complaint. Reports on audits are regularly sent to the Turkish Patent Institute by the Oltu Chamber of Commerce and Industry.