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Izmit Pismaniye Geographical Registration Certificate

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Registration Number: 34
Application Date: 11.09.2000
Application No: c 2000/006
Release Date: 13.06.2001
Type: Origin

Identity of the applicant: Kocaeli Union of Chambers of Craftsmen and Craftsmen
Applicant's Address: New Persembe Pazarı Birlik İşhanı No:117 Floor:5 İZMİT-KOCAELİ

Geographical indication: IZMIT PİŞMANİYE
Geographical Boundaries: Kocaeli Province and Districts
Product to be used: Pismaniye

The geographical indication, whose technical specifications and inspection method are given in the annex, was announced in the Official Gazette dated 13.06.2001 and numbered 24431, and was registered to be valid from 13.06.2001 in accordance with Article 12 of the Decree in the Force of Law No. 555 on the Protection of Geographical Indications.

Usage: Labeling

Technical Distinctive Features: First discovered by Mustafa Usta in Kocaeli Kandıra in 1940; Its production technique, appearance, preservation and aroma are different from other confectionery. Pişmaniye is different from the ones produced in other regions with its taste, smell, appearance, preservation, labeling and inspection features, depending on the humidity of the air unique to Izmit, the dough baking process, the dough drawing process after cooking, the materials used in ideal proportions, and the master's teaching of Mustafa Usta.

Production Technique: A certain amount of sugar is boiled in a cauldron up to 100 degrees with hygienic city water. When the desired temperature is reached, the mixture prepared from water and lemon powder, called medicine, is added according to the air's humidity level. It is boiled to 160/180 degrees and taken to the cooling pool. It is cooked together with a certain amount of prepared flour and vegetable oil. The whitened sugar is added and the master of the work is drawn with 5-6 people. Butter, vanilla, cocoa, and tahini can be added upon request. It is stored by putting it into gelatin packages by cupping and molding it according to its type.

Production Area: The floors should be covered with waterproof, washable, disinfectable material, the ceiling height should be appropriate, the ventilation system should be sufficient to prevent smoke, odor, and evaporation, preserve heat, and to prevent dust and pests from entering.

Materials used: Dough cooking machine, dough heating machine, sugar cooking pot, cheesecake shooting machine, sugar cooling stone, cupping counter, cupping cups, and chrome trays should be used. In the production of Pişmaniye, 54.8% sugar, 33% flour and 12% vegetable oil are used. In the remaining percentage, main and auxiliary materials such as cocoa and lemon powder are used. These rates vary slightly. The humidity level of the air unique to Izmit affects the taste and preservation of the dough and then the pastry.

Storage: The gelatin material in contact with food is protected as packaged and labeled so as not to cause contamination. It should be protected from direct sunlight and moisture, and the protection temperature should be between 16-18 degrees.

Audit: Under the coordination of Kocaeli Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen; It is made by a commission consisting of at least 3 people with the participation of experts from Kocaeli Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture (food and agricultural engineers), Provincial Health Directorate on matters concerning their own fields, municipalities, Chamber of Pastry and Chamber of Craftsmen. The Commission will control whether the production of Izxnit Pişmaniye is produced in accordance with the above-mentioned specifications, at a frequency to be determined by it, not exceeding 6 months. In addition, the commission will have the authority to inspect the producers on complaints or suspicions, regardless of self-referred periods.

Usage: Producers who prove that they have fulfilled the above-mentioned technical specifications will be able to use the "İZMİT PİŞMANİYE" brand on their products from the Kocaeli Union of Chambers of Craftsmen or the authorized unit to be assigned by it, and use it on their products. It is not possible to use geographical indication in any method, and it will not be possible to obtain these labels from a place other than the Kocaeli Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen or any authority that it will assign.