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Antep Pistachio Butter Protected Geographical Indication

Monday, July 4, 2022

No: 237 – Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)










This geographical indication was registered on 20.11.2017 to be protected as of 23.01.2017 under the Industrial Property Law No. 6769.


Registration Number                                  : 237 

Registration Date                                        : 20.11.2017

Application Number                                   : C2017/004

Application Date                                         : 23.01.2017

Name of Geographical Indication             : Antep Pistachio Butter (Gaziantep Pistachio Butter)

Product / Product Group                           : Pistachio Butter / Chocolate, confectionery and derivative products

Registrant                                                    : Gaziantep Commodity Exchange                          

Address of Registrant                                 : Sanayi Mah. 60092 No'lu Sokak No:15 Şehitkamil GAZIANTEP

Geographical Boundary                              : Gaziantep Province

Usage Format                                               : Labeling


Product Description and Distinctive Features:

 Antep Pistachio Butter is a dessert unique to Gaziantep province, and has been made for many years. It is prepared by mixing the early harvested Antep Pistachio, called “boziç”, with sugar in certain amounts. The distinctive feature of Antep Pistachio Butter is the pistachio used in the production of the paste and the production method. The pistachios for which Antep Pistachio Butter will be made must comply with the criteria specified in the Antep Pistachio Geographical Indication Registration No.27 and must be obtained from the early harvest called "boziç". The most important point in the production of Antep Pistachio Butter is the selection of pistachios to be used in production. To produce Antep Pistachio Butter, first of all, pistachios must be harvested before their normal maturity period. Early harvested pistachios are called "boziç" or "first harvest", "bird poop" and "bird type" in different regions. Ripe pistachios are darker in color and reddish. Boziç Pistachio is light colored and the inside of the fruit is underdeveloped. The inner fruit color is bright green, which is a feature very much in demand. Antep Pistachios suitable for paste production in Gaziantep province are harvested starting from the end of July and throughout August, within the seasonal normals. The colors of the peanuts that will be harvested early on the tree have not yet turned red and have a red-green variegated color. Siirt, Halebi and Ohadi Pistachio varieties are not suitable for the production of Antep Pistachio Butter.

Production Method:

Early harvested pistachios must first be picked, separating the fruity kernels and the empty shells. In the traditional production method, cold water is used to separate the fruity ones. Empty pistachios thrown into water-filled containers rise to the surface of the water due to their lightness and dismissed. The peanuts collected at the bottom of the water-filled container is be taken from the bottom quickly. The reason for this is to shorten the contact period of the water with the fruit as much as possible. The pistachios are taken to the laying area and dried. The drying process is an important factor affecting product quality. The thickness of the laid pistachios should not exceed 3-5 cm and the fruits should be mixed frequently. The correct laying affects the drying time and is important to prevent the fruits from molding and spoiling. When the fresh fruits dry, they lose 45-50% of water. Dried pistachios are sent to pistachio processing facilities in sacks. There, the hard shells are removed and the kernel remains. Preservation of pistachios is also very important. The kernels should be used for Antep Pistachio Butter making without wasting time. If they will not be processed immediately, they can be kept in cold storage or vacuum packages. The raw material to be used in Antep Pistachio Butter should have a maximum moisture content of 5%. The kernels are crushed in the mill and turned into fine grains. The crushed pistachios are also sieved. The sugar content in Antep Pistachio Butter can vary between 40-50%. It is boiled by mixing 2/1 sugar with water, and when the temperature of the syrup reaches 118 °C, it is mixed with the prepared pistachio. The mixture is poured on marble and left to cool. The marble used should be clean, smooth and, if possible, white. The pistachio-sherbet mixture is kneaded by hand when the dough cools down so that it does not burn hands.

The kneaded pistachio butter is rolled out on the marble into a smooth texture, according to the preference of the experts, usually 3 cm thick, and then cut. The portioning process depends on the preference of the pistachio butter artists. No specific size or shape is defined. Antep Pistachio Butter contains only Antep Pistachios, white sugar and water in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Sugar Communiqué. Pistachio butter should have the following ingredient ratios:

Antep Pistachios: 45% (minimum)

Sugar : 45 - 50 %

Humidity: 8 – 10%

Fat : 25 – 30%

Color values: L: 25 - 30 a: (-5.50) - (-7.00) and b: 14.50 - 16.50

The shelf life of the product is 30 days, and it should be stored in a cool and moisture-free environment.


The Production, Processing and Other Transactions to be Performed within the Geographical Boundary:

Pistachios to be used in the production of Antep Pistachio Butter must be Boziç and must comply with the Antep Pistachio Geographical Indication Registration Certificate No. 27. Additionally, the production technique should comply with the described form and should not contain any substances other than Antep Pistachios, sugar and water in the ratios specified above.


The Antep Pistachio Butter supervisory authority consists of 4 people: an expert to be appointed from among the Faculty Members of Gaziantep University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, an expert to be appointed by the Şehitkamil Chamber of Agriculture, an expert to be appointed by the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and a person from the Pistachio Research Institute.

The supervisory authority will inspect whether the Antep Pistachio Butter consists of Antep Pistachio, sugar and water, with the analyses to be carried out in an official laboratory that performs food analysis. Apart from this, it will check the use of food additives, flavorants and food ingredients with flavorant properties and other ingredients for adulteration in the Antep Pistachio Butter with related analyses. In addition, the supervisory authority will determine whether the determined ideal ratios [Antep Pistachio is 45% (min.), sugar is 45-50%, and humidity is 8-10%] are adhered to. It will also have a color analysis carried out at the specified official laboratory, and the compliance of the Antep Pistachio Butter with the specified color values ​​will be checked. Said suitability parameter will be determined according to ±2.5% deviation from Boziç Pistachio color. The supervisory board will also determine whether the fat ratio of Antep Pistachio Butter is 25%, the ideal fat ratio, with the relevant analysis. It will inspect whether the Antep Pistachio Butter has a bad odor or taste with the sensory test it will perform at the specified official laboratory. The inspector can also give a preliminary idea about the smell and taste of the Antep Pistachio Butter during the inspection and can write it down on the inspection form. The inspections will be carried out on the samples to be taken from the sales points of different provinces in the regions where Antep Pistachio Butter is sold and produced. The supervisory board will conduct a routine inspection at least once a year. In case of a complaint, the board may repeat this inspection indefinite times.

The supervisory authority may benefit from or purchase services of public or private institutions, or natural or private entities in charge, during the execution of the inspection. The registrant carries out the legal processes for the protection of rights.

Original text from