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Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur Protected Geographical Indication

Friday, July 8, 2022

No: 708 – Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) 











This geographical indication was registered on 26.03.2021 to be protected as of 26.06.2020 within the scope of the Industrial Property Law No. 6769.


Registration Number                                        : 708

Registration Date                                              : 26.03.2021

Application Number                                         : C2020/146

Application Date                                               : 26.06.2020

Name of Geographical Indication                   : Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur

Product / Product Group                                 : Food / Food and Soups

Type of Geographical Indication                     : Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

Registrant                                                          : Gaziantep Development Foundation

Address of Registrant                                       : Incilipınar Mah. 36004. Cad. No:4 Sehitkamil / GAZIANTEP

Geographical Boundary                                    : Gaziantep province

Usage Format                                                     : The phrase Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur and the geographical
                                                                               indication emblem are placed on the product itself or on its packaging. When
                                                                               it cannot be used on the product itself or on its packaging, the phrase Gaziantep
                                                                               / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur and the geographical indication emblem are kept
                                                                               in the business in such a way that it can be easily seen.


Product Description and Distinctive Features:

Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur is one of the dolma meals (stuffed foods) that form an important part of the food culture of Gaziantep, which is included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network thanks to its rich cuisine.

The main ingredients used in Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur’s production are the geographical indication Antep Freekeh, which is registered with No: 244, acur, coarse bulgur, minced meat, tomatoes, paprika and tomato paste.

Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur, which has a production method specific to Gaziantep, has a reputation link with the geographical boundary.

Production Method:

Ingredients (4-6 servings)

30 medium and small sized acurs (Armenian cucumber)

1.5 cups of freekeh

1 cup coarse bulgur

300-400 g full-fat minced meat

1 ripe tomato

1-2 medium sized onions

1 tablespoon of tomato paste

1 tablespoon of paprika paste

8-10 cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon of chili pepper

1 teaspoon of black pepper

Juice of 1 lemon or 1 tablespoon of liquid sumac extract or 1 cup of unripe grape juice

1 teaspoon of water



The acurs are washed, the ends are cut and the insides are carved out. It is checked whether the acurs are bitter by tasting the extracted interiors. Bitter acures are dismissed. The inner parts of the carved acurs are covered with an optional mixture of black pepper and salt, and left to rest. Meanwhile, paprika and tomato paste, chili pepper, minced meat, finely chopped onion and garlic, peeled, grated or finely chopped tomatoes are mixed with 1 tea cup of water. Bulgur, freekeh, salt and black pepper are added and mixed together. A little more than half of the acurs are stuffed with the prepared mixture. The openings of the acurs are sealed with either thickly sliced ​​tomatoes or the tips of the acurs that were cut previously. Optionally, a row of vine leaves can be placed at the bottom of the pot to prevent the acurs from burning. The stuffed acurs can be placed in the pot in two ways. First, arranging the filled acurs with their mouths up; second, arranging them horizontally in a row so that the head and bottom parts of the acurs coincide. Hot water is added to the pot until it is one finger above the acurs. After adding a pinch of salt to the water, the top of the acurs is covered with either a dolma stone, which is widely used in the region, or with a heat-resistant and heavy plate, and the lid of the pot is placed. The stuffed acurs are cooked by boiling for a total of one hour, first on high heat and then on low heat. Right before turning off the stove, lemon juice or a tablespoon of liquid sumac extract or a cup of unripe grape juice is added. With the tip of a fork, the softness of the acurs is checked. After resting for 5 minutes, the water is filtered and served. While Gaziantep/Antep Firikli Stuffed Acur is cooked, it is checked frequently so that the acurs do not scatter.

Production, Processing and Other Transactions to be Performed within the Geographical Boundary:

In Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur’s production, Antep Freekeh, registered with No: 244, is used. Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur, which has a long history and a production method specific to the geographical boundary, has a reputation link to the Gaziantep province. For these reasons, all production stages of Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur are carried out within the specified geographical boundary.


Inspections are carried out under the coordination of Gaziantep Development Foundation and by a supervisory authority consisting of 5 people, one expert each from Gaziantep Development Foundation, Gaziantep Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Gaziantep Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen and Gaziantep University Gastronomy Department. Audits are carried out regularly once a year, whenever needed and in case of complaints.

Inspection criteria are listed below.

∙ The appropriateness of the Antep Freekeh and other materials used in production.

∙ Compliance with the production method.

∙ Visual presentation of the product.

∙ The appropriateness of the use of the phrase Gaziantep / Antep Freekeh Stuffed Acur and the emblem of the geographical indication.

The supervisory authority may benefit from or purchase services of public or private institutions, or natural or private entities in charge, during the execution of the inspection. The registrant carries out the legal processes for the protection of rights.

Original text from