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Nizip Eggplant Protected Designation of Origin

Thursday, July 7, 2022

No: 595 – Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)











This geographical indication was registered on 20.11.2020 to be protected as of 17.11.2017 under the Industrial Property Law No. 6769.


Registration Number                                  595

Registration Date                                        20.11.2020

Application Number                                   C2017/200

Application Date                                         17.11.2017

Name of Geographical Indication             Nizip Eggplant

Product / Product Group                           Eggplant / Processed and unprocessed fruits and vegetables and mushrooms

Type of Geographical Indication               Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)

Registrant                                                    Nizip Commercial Exchange

Address of Registrant                                 İstasyon Mah. İstasyon Cad. No:2 Nizip GAZİANTEP

Geographical Border                                   Gaziantep province Nizip district

Usage Format                                               The phrase Nizip Eggplant and the geographical indication emblem  are placed
                                                                         on the product itself or on its packaging. When it cannot be used on the product
                                                                         itself or on its packaging, the phrase Nizip Eggplant and the emblem of the
                                                                         geographical indication emblem  are kept in the business in such a way that it can
                                                                         be easily seen.

Product Description and Distinguishing Features: 

Nizip Eggplant has become a product unique to the region by developing homogeneous characteristic as a result of being produced for many years by being spared from the harvests for the next production season.The length of the fruit is 15-20 cm, the diameter is 8-10 cm and the stem is spiny. There are purple, white and greenish colors in the form of longitudinal parallel lines on them, and the pulp is white, soft and has less nucleation. Nizip Eggplant, which is the same in taste whether it is the product of the first or last harvest, has a sweet taste. Anthocyanin coloration is evident in the seedling, the stem and branches are moderately hairy, the height of the plant is 90 - 100 cm, leaf length varies between 25 - 30 cm, leaf width varies between 14 - 15 cm.


Production Method:

The plants from which Nizip Eggplant is obtained are produced by storing the seeds in each production period to be used in the next production period. For this purpose, the fertile seeds inside the eggplants are taken out in November and dried until they turn melon color and kept in plastic containers until the germination period.

For seedling production, seeds are sown in plastic germination pots or in seedling growing areas prepared under a stove-heated low tunnel. Germination is done in plastic germination containers in March, the germination temperature is 24 - 30 °C and the germination period is between 15 - 30 days. Eggplant seeds are sown at the end of January and at the beginning of February, by scattering 3-5 g per square meter in the seedling growing areas prepared under a stove-heated low tunnel. After planting, the seedlings are grown by watering, hoeing, fertilizing and spraying when necessary, until the 4 - 5 leafed stage, which is the planting time.

Sandy - loamy soils where Nizip Eggplant is grown have good drainage, soil temperature is generally high, and physiologically allows the eggplant to yield early for plant and fruit development. The area where eggplant seedlings will be planted is plowed at a depth of 25 - 30 cm with a plow, as the first plough in autumn. Then, about 4-5 tons of burned farm manure per decare is mixed with the soil with a cultivator and the second plough is done. Soil preparation is completed by forming planting pads before planting the seedlings between the end of March and first week of April.

The seedlings that develop in the seedbed and become ready for planting are removed from the seedling and planted in the prepared field at the end of March or in the first weeks of April, with a distance of 100 cm between rows and 100 cm intrarows. The first hoeing is applied when the plants are 20 cm long or have 6 - 8 leaves. After planting, irrigation is carried out regularly once a week in the form of flood irrigation between the furrows. Surface fertilization starts with the first irrigation and fertilizer application is made when needed, according to the micro element values. Nizip Eggplant is harvested when it reaches its unique color and size. The first harvest of the product is done starting in the first week of June and harvested every 4 days depending on the climate and the condition of the product.

Harvesting of eggplant fruits continues until the end of November due to suitable climatic conditions.



Inspections are carried out once a year, under the coordination of Nizip Chamber of Commerce and one expert each from Nizip Vocational High School, Nizip District Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Nizip Municipality, Nizip Community Health Center, Nizip Chamber of Agriculture, Nizip Commodity Exchange and Nizip Chamber of Commerce. It is annually carried out in November, which is the end of the harvest period, or always upon complaint.

The criteria for the audit are given below.

  • The properness of the properties and preservation of the seed material to be used in cultivation in the next production period,
  • The suitability of the garden facility,
  • Compliance of the harvested products with the characteristics of Nizip Eggplant,
  • The properness of the use of the Nizip Eggplant geographical indication and the geographical indication emblem.

The supervisory authority may benefit from or purchase services of public or private institutions, or natural or private entities in charge, during the execution of the inspection. The registrant carries out the legal processes for the protection of rights.

Original text from