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Gaziantep Kuymak Protected Geographical Indication

Thursday, July 7, 2022

No: 620 – Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)











This geographical indication was registered on 07.12.2020 to be protected as of 07.07.2020 within the scope of the Industrial Property Law No. 6769.


Registration Number                                   620

Registration Date                                         07.12.2020

Application Number                                    C2020/179

Application Date                                          07.07.2020

Name of Geographical Indication              Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak

Product / Product Group                            Kuymak / Bakery and pastry products, desserts

Type of Geographical Indication                Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

Registrant                                                     Gaziantep Development Foundation

Address of Registrant                                  Incilipınar Mah. 36004 Nolu Cad. No:6 Sehitkamil GAZIANTEP

Geographical Boundary                              Gaziantep province

Usage Format                                               The phrase Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak and the geographical indication
                                                                         emblem are placed on the product itself or on its packaging. When it cannot be
                                                                         used on the product itself or on its packaging, the phrase Gaziantep Kuymak /
                                                                         Antep Kuymak and the geographical indication emblem are kept in the business
                                                                         in such a way that it can be easily seen.


Product Description and Distinctive Features:

Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak is a local dessert prepared using the primary ingredients of flour, sugar, butter or ghee.

This dessert, which is cooked in Gaziantep for puerperant women who have recently given birth, has become widespread and traded in time.

The distinctive feature of the dessert is that it consists of two stages of service preparation, and in the last stage, melted butter or ghee is divided into bowls and served hot. In addition, its consistency is similar to that of roux.

Among the desserts of Gaziantep region, it holds a special place in terms of the materials used and the preparation process.

The dessert, known as Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak, is among the material cultural heritage of the region.


Production Method:

Ingredients for 2-4 servings:

1 glass of flour, 2 full tablespoons of ghee or butter, 1 glass of sugar or half a glass of pekmez
4-5 glasses of water
(Optional) Cinnamon powder, walnut, geographical indication registered Antep Pistachio registered with the number 27, or black pepper


Half of the ghee or butter to be used and the flour are put in a saucepan. The flour is roasted until it turns brown, stirred constantly so that it does not clump together. Roasted flour is left to cool. Meanwhile, sugar or pekmez is added to the water in a container and mixed together to dissolve it. Water with sugar or pekmez is slowly added to the cooled flour and stirred continuously until smooth. The process is simplified if a whisk is used. The entire mixture is taken back to the stove. The mixture is cooked on medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until the smell of flour disappears and it thickens and reaches the consistency of boza. Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak is placed in bowls in hot condition and made ready for service. Then the remaining ghee or butter is melted and poured over the kuymak in the serving bowls. It is served hot, optionally with cinnamon, walnuts, pistachios and black pepper.


Production, Processing and Other Transactions to be Performed within the Geographical Boundary:

Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak, which has a long history and requires mastery skills, has a reputation link with the region. Thus, all production stages must take place within the specified geographical boundary.



 Inspections are carried out annually by a supervisory authority consisting of at least three people, one each from Gaziantep Development Foundation, Gaziantep Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Gaziantep Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, under the coordination of Gaziantep Development Foundation. It is done once regularly, and always in case of complaints and suspicions.

The supervisory authority inspects the materials used in production, the production method, the service method and the use of the Gaziantep Kuymak / Antep Kuymak geographical indication and the emblem of the geographical indication.

The supervisory authority may benefit from or purchase services of public or private institutions, or natural or private entities in charge, during the execution of the inspection. The registrant carries out the legal processes for the protection of rights.

Original text from