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Antep Kibbeh Protected Geographical Indication

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

No: 799 – Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)











This geographical indication was registered on 12.07.2021 to be protected as of 30.09.2020 within the scope of the Industrial Property Law No. 6769.


Registration Number                                    799

Registration Date                                          12.07.2021

Application Number                                     C2020/326

Application Date                                           30.09.2020

Name of Geographical Indication               Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh

Product / Product Group                             Kibbeh / Food and Soups

Type of Geographical Indication                 Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

Registrant                                                      Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Address of Registrant                                   İncilipınar Mah. Şehit Yusuf Erin Cad. No:41 Sehitkamil / GAZIANTEP

Geographical Boundary                                Gaziantep province

Usage Format                                                 The phrase Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh and the geographical indication
                                                                           emblem are placed on the product itself or on its packaging. When it cannot be
                                                                           used on the product itself or on its packaging, the phrase Gaziantep Kibbeh /
                                                                           Antep Kibbeh and the geographical indication emblem are kept in the business
                                                                           in such a way that it can be easily seen.


Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh, is a shuttle-shaped kibbeh, which is prepared by filling a mixture of bulgur and ground beef with roasted ground beef, a mixture of pistachios and walnuts registered as a geographical indication with the number 27, fried in oil or boiled in water.

The distinctive feature of Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh is the walnuts and Antep Pistachios. Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh have a long history in the region and have appeared in many cookbooks, promotional films and scientific articles about Gaziantep cuisine. Thus, Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh has a reputation link with the geographical border.


Production Method:

Ingredients for the Stuffing:

  • 500-750 g fatty ground meat
  • 300-500 g onion
  • 30-60 g ghee / olive oil
  • 40-80 g walnuts
  • 40-60 g Antep Pistachio (peeled)
  • 40-60 g almonds (peeled) (optional)
  • 3-5 g black pepper
  • 3-5 g allspice
  • 6-9 g salt


Recipe for the Stuffing:,

Onions are peeled and finely chopped. Walnuts are chopped into large pieces or pounded in a mortar to large pieces. The outer membrane is peeled off by boiling 40-60 g of pistachio in enough water to cover it, and filtering it. Fatty ground meat is roasted with ghee / olive oil. The chopped onions are added and fried until they become transparent. Black pepper and allspice are added. Walnut and peeled Antep Pistachios are added and left to cool.


Ingredients for the Dough:

  • 400-500 g sinewless lean ground meat
  • 875-1200 g fine bulgur
  • 1 medium onion
  • 15-23 g wheat flour
  • 10-20 g ground red pepper
  • 8-15 g salt


Recipe for the Dough and Kibbeh:

Fine bulgur, lean ground meat, finely chopped onion, salt and red ground pepper are mixed in a wide shallow bowl. Wetting the hands little by little with water, the mixture is kneaded until it reaches a paste-like consistency. The bulgur mixture prepared for the outside of the kibbeh should be kneaded well so that it forms into the desired shape easily without falling apart. A meat grinder can be used to facilitate the kneading process. The mixture passed through the meat grinder is kneaded and thoroughly extracted. When the mixture comes together a little, flour is added and kneading is continued. When the meatballs reach a consistency that will not fall apart in the palm of the hand, each time the hands are wet, lemon-sized pieces are cut off. With the index finger of the palm, the kibbehs are hollowed out. The kibbehs are filled with enough stuffing and sealed shut. The same process can also be performed with a meat grinder.



Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh is cooked by frying in hot olive oil or boiling in water. Cooked kibbehs can be stored frozen at -18ºC.


Production, Processing and Other Operations to be Performed within the Geographical Boundary:

Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh has a reputation link with the geographical border due to the local production method, which has a long history and requires mastery skills. Thus, all stages of production must be carried out within the specified geographical boundary.



Inspections are carried out regularly once a year, when needed and in case of complaints, by the supervisory authority consisting of a total of 3 people, formed under the coordination of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, with one expert each from Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Gaziantep Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry and Gaziantep Chambers of Merchants and Craftsmen.

Audit criteria are given below.

  • Properness of the materials used.
  • Compliance with the production method.
  • The suitability of the appearance of the product.
  • The appropriateness of the use of the phrase Gaziantep Kibbeh / Antep Kibbeh and the logo of the geographical indication.

The supervisory authority may benefit from or purchase services of public or private institutions, or natural or private entities in charge, during the execution of the inspection. The registrant carries out the legal processes for the protection of rights.

 Original text from