Yükselogullari Dairy Products

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A flavor that is indispensable for Turkish breakfast, such as Ezine cheese, is of course bought from a seller with a taste guarantee. For this reason, Yükseloğulları maintains its quality standard and offers Ezine cheese, which has been registered as a geographical indication, to the taste of all cheese gourmets.

The milk in Ezine sheep cheese is the milk of sheep, goats and cows fed from natural plants and water resources in the Ezine, Bayramiç and Ayvacık districts of Çanakkale province, including Çanakkale Kaz Mountains.

The Kaz Mountains, which are a natural source of oxygen, bring plenty of precipitation to this region and this precipitation provides the formation of hundreds of fragrant plants such as vetiver, marjoram, hairy mint, sage, thyme, lemon balm, and thyme. All animals are fed naturally. The aroma and taste peculiar to these plants also pass into the milk of animals and increase the flavor of the milk. The best Ezine Cheese is the one that is not brittle, has medium hardness and is light yellow in color. It belongs to the group of soft and semi-hard cheese. It has a small number of pores, which are small in size. Its taste is a mixture of creamy, baked milk, sour, sweet, salty and rancid. The flavor descriptions of Ezine cheese are goaty, salty, sour, and creamy.

"Starter" culture is not used in the production of cheese. The milk produced from the mixture of sheep, goat and cow is sterilized at 67 degrees for 30 minutes, and fermented at 36 degrees with the sherden enzyme in the stomach of the calves. Sea salt is used as brine.

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