Tonya Dairy Products

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Turkey`s only geographically marked butter. Tonya milk cooperative factory, which has been operating in Tonya district of Trabzon since 1969, buys its products from Tonya farmers, produces and delivers them to your tables.

Tonya Butter is a special type of butter produced from the milk of cows raised in the Tonya district of Trabzon. These cows are fed with various fresh and dried herbs grown in meadows and pastures in the region. Produced with traditional methods, Tonya Butter is known for its yellow color, taste, flavor and aroma. The yellow color of the butter is due to its high natural β-Carotene content.

Tonya is a transition zone between the Black Sea and continental climates. The forests on the hills rising from the Black Sea coast constantly draw moisture and the evaporating sea water condenses here and forms fog. For this reason, foggy days are mostly experienced in summer, sunny weather is mostly seen in the fall. The average temperature is around 20°C in summer and 6-7°C in winter. The climate of the region affects the vegetation, which is mostly covered with pastures and forests. Milk from cows fed on pastures is an important factor determining the quality of the butter, which has an intense yellow color. Most of the cows in the region are Jersey breed, milk of this breed contains high β-Carotene.

The local fame of Tonya Butter dates back to the Ottoman period. In the 1887 dated Trabzon (Tonya) Vilayet Salnamesi, it was stated that Tonya was known for its various fruits and products and that its butter was sent to Trabzon, Istanbul and other places with its quality. In 1969, industrial production of Tonya Butter started with a dairy factory established in the region, and production continued with traditional knowledge passed down from generation to generation. On April 26, 2017, in a competition held in Istanbul, Tonya Butter was selected as the first among 360 types of butter by the Cultural Association of Turkey, the Life Touchers Platform.


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