Picture of Glass Bowl with Plenty of Cheese from Cow's Milk 800 GR

Sargın Höşmerim Glass Bowl with Plenty of Cheese from Cow's Milk 800 GR






• It is sent after being wraped with bubble wrap.
• It will be shipped within 3-5 days.
• The seller, Sargın Höşmerim, sends it from Balıkesir.
• Balıkesir Höşmerim Dessert contains cow's milk cheese curd, egg, semolina, and powdered sugar. It is packaged in a plastic container with a spoon and a lid.

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3-Pack Höşmerim

*300GR Sheep Milk Hosmerim
Ingredients: Sheep's milk, cow's milk cheese curd, egg, semolina, granulated sugar

*300GR Cow Milk Hosmerim
Ingredients: Cow's milk cheese curd, egg, semolina, granulated sugar

*300GR Cow Milk and Pistachio Hosmerim
Ingredients: Cow's milk cheese curd, egg, semolina, granulated sugar, pistachios

3 300GR plastic bowls in a cardboard bag

The products are first vacuumed. Subsequently, it is wrapped with bubble wrap in order to protect the product during transportation. After the parcel is closed, the barcode and sensitivity labels containing the address information are affixed and made ready for transportation.

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