Picture of Turkish Noodle 1 Kg

Yaman Peynircilik Turkish Noodle 1 Kg






Made from durum wheat flour, eggs, salt, pasteurized milk, and vegetable oil.

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Kesme: Kesme is a traditional dish primarily consumed in Kayseri and its surrounding regions. It is an integral part of the Kayseri cuisine, known for its unique taste. Kayseri is located in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey, and its regional cuisine is rich and diverse. Kesme stands out as one of the traditional dishes of this region and is generally considered one of the symbols of Kayseri cuisine.

Kesme and Eriste Differences: Kesme and erişte, although prepared in a similar way, have some differences. Here are the key distinctions between kesme and erişte:

Shape and Cutting:

  • Kesme: Kesme dough is typically rolled out into a thin sheet and then cut into square or triangular shapes. Therefore, kesme refers to flat and often geometrically cut pieces of dough.
  • Erişte: Erişte dough is also rolled out into a thin sheet but is then cut into stick or ribbon-like shapes. Erişte represents longer and thinner pieces of dough.


  • Kesme: Kesme is mainly used in soups or meat dishes. It is often served with yogurt-based sauces and can be consumed as a soup.
  • Erişte: Erişte offers a broader range of uses. Erişte can be served as a side dish with pilaf, in dishes like mushroom sauce pasta, or even as a pasta-like dish mixed with different vegetables.

Regional Variations: Kesme and erişte may be referred to by different names and cut differently in various regions based on regional variations. For example, similar dough types may have different names and cutting styles in different parts of Turkey.

Size and Thickness: Kesme usually represents smaller and thicker pieces of dough, whereas erişte represents longer and thinner pieces of dough.

In conclusion, although kesme and erişte are similar types of dough, they have differences in shape, cutting, usage, and sometimes nomenclature. Both offer unique flavors in different recipes and regions.

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