Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr
Picture of Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr

Şile Arıcılık Kooperatifi Sile Chesnut Honey 400 Gr






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1-2 days

Shipping Time 1-2 days

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Chestnut Honey, registered with the geographical indication of Şile, cheers your palate with its fresh musk with the 2023 harvest. Geographically indicated Şile Chestnut Honey can be used as 1 teaspoon per day for children older than 1 year.

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Bees, which start to work on chestnut flowers from the beginning of June, show all their strength and the real honey flow takes place in this period. At the same time, they continue to ripen the honey they carry by flapping their wings in front of the hive at night.

In the quiet nights of the apiary, you can hear the bees flapping their wings working to ripen the chestnut honey. The resulting chestnut honey flows in a dark, dense consistency and has a distinctive sweet, hard flavor. Those who are accustomed to the taste of this special honey have found a flavor they are constantly looking for.

This honey, which is dark brown in color, has a slightly bitter taste and at the same time has a chestnut-specific odor. It is known for its antiseptic properties and, like other dark honeys, its antioxidant content offers protective effects against cancer.

Honey bees collect both pollen and nectar from chestnuts. Studies have shown that this honey has antibiotic properties and is effective against B. hemolotic streptecoc bacteria.

In addition, Chestnut Honey, as a rich source of B and C vitamins, strengthens the muscles, regulates blood circulation, relieves stomach and liver fatigue and has immune system strengthening effects.

It also offers an effective solution especially for those who have cough problems. Chestnut Honey provides positive effects on respiratory and digestive systems.

Şile chestnut honey was registered to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office by Şile Municipality, Limited Liability Şile Beekeeping and Bee Products Agricultural Development Cooperative on 03.09.2021.



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