Picture of Large Bulgur for Pilaf 1 Kg

Atlı Gurme Large Bulgur for Pilaf 1 Kg






Shipping Time

1-3 gün

Shipping Time 1-3 gün

Minimum Order


The indispensable taste of Turkish cuisine, bulgur with large rice, which is one of the basic food sources, is easily delivered to your tables with Atlı Gurme. It is produced in Atlı Gurme's production facilities in Thrace, packaged under superior hygiene conditions and presented to you.

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The indispensable taste of Turkish cuisine, bulgur with large rice, one of the basic food sources, is easily delivered to your tables with Atlı Gurme. It is produced in Atlı Gurme's production facilities in Thrace, packaged under superior hygiene conditions and presented to you.

Bulgur for large rice is produced in Gaziantep, which is the center of bulgur production in our country. Indispensable for the tables, bulgur with large rice has high protein value and high nutritional value in terms of fiber. The benefits of coarse bulgur wheat do not end with counting, it contains all B vitamins except B12 and magnesium. Atlı Gurme, which produces domestically, prefers good agricultural practices by making traditional and transparent production during the production stages of bulgur with large rice. The calorie of bulgur with large rice is approximately 314 per 100 grams. You can make delicious bulgur pilaf with Atlı Gurme large rice bulgur.

Atlı Gurme produces legumes grown in the fertile lands of Thrace and Anatolia, and homemade jams completely naturally, bringing quality and affordable prices to the table.

You can order Atlı Gurme products, which have ISO 9001, ISO 10002, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001 and Halal Food certificates, from Neyivar.com and prepare your tables with delicious products.


Bulgur with Coarse Rice Recipe

Necessary materials;
2 spoonful butter
2 cups Atlı Gurme bulgur with large rice
3 cups of boiling water

Cooking Suggestion:
Oil is poured into the pan, after the oil has melted, 2 glasses of Atlı Gurme bulgur with large rice are added to the pan and roasted for 3-4 minutes. Then salt is added and mixed. Finally, 3 glasses of boiling water is added and the lid of the pot is closed. After cooking on medium heat, you can rest for 5-10 minutes and serve. Bon Appetit.

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