Isıkeli Chickpea Coffee Cemil Usta

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Tradition, although often forgotten over time, sometimes resurfaces in unexpected periods. Chickpea coffee emerges as a product of a challenging era that bears witness to Turkey's history. During World War I, the scarcity of coffee imports led people to seek new and extraordinary flavors. It is precisely in this period that chickpea coffee took the stage.

Chickpea coffee was born during a time when coffee imports were impossible, offering an alternative beverage that catered to people's palates. The fundamental ingredient of this unique drink was roasted chickpea seeds. Ground to perfection, chickpea coffee provided an experience reminiscent of regular coffee while introducing its own distinctive flavor.

Çanakkale's Rich Heritage: Chickpea Coffee

Cemil Usta, residing in Işıkeli Village of Biga district in Çanakkale, is the primary bearer of chickpea coffee's rich heritage. Prepared using traditional methods, this exceptional beverage not only tantalizes taste buds but also reflects the spirit of unity of a bygone era. Chickpea coffee speaks of values from the past and the creative ways to overcome challenges.

Heritage Carried to the Future: Chickpea Coffee

Today, the production of chickpea coffee is almost non-existent. However, passionate tradition bearers like Cemil Usta continue their mission of preserving this unique drink. Chickpea coffee isn't just a beverage; it's a part of our historical and cultural legacy. Passing down this legacy to future generations means rediscovering forgotten flavors.

A Sweet Melancholy and Hope: Chickpea Coffee

Despite originating from a period of scarcity, chickpea coffee is remembered with a bittersweet nostalgia and hope. This creative solution against past hardships leaves a lasting impression even in our modern era. In each cup, chickpea coffee not only narrates the story of the past but also carries the promise of the future.

We, as the Işıkeli Chickpea Coffee family, take great pride in presenting you with this exceptional flavor that carries the echoes of the past. We are here to uphold the values of the past and carry them forward to the future.

Discover the taste of the past, and leave a cup of hope for the future.

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