Picture of Çeşme Lemon Cologne 16 ml - Glass Bottle

Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Çeşme Lemon Cologne 16 ml - Glass Bottle






Çeşme Lemon Cologne 16 ml - Glass Bottle

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Çeşme lemon cologne is produced from Çeşme lemons carefully selected with Eyüp Sabri Tuncer quality. Eyüp Sabri Tuncer fountain lemon cologne, which contains many scent notes such as lemon blossom and white flower, leaves a feeling of therapy on your skin with the scents of oak moss and musk in the bottom note.


You can order the fountain lemon cologne, which fascinates users with its unique and universal scent, from our website at neyivar.com. The alcohol rate of Çeşme lemon cologne is 68 degrees.

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