Picture of White Quinoa 1 Kg

Atlı Gurme White Quinoa 1 Kg






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1-3 gün

Shipping Time 1-3 gün

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White quinoa is a highly nutritious and filling grain type that is very beneficial for human health due to the vitamins and minerals it contains.

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It has a high antioxidant property, renews cells in the body, and regulates blood sugar. Recipes that can be made with white quinoa include quinoa salad, banana cake, and hazelnut quinoa bars.

Atlı Gurme delivers its products to consumers while valuing both humans and the environment by carefully producing its products using environmentally friendly farming methods and transparent production in its modern facilities in the Thrace region. Every day, Atlı Gurme expands its product range and brings basic food products such as bulgur, beans, Baldo and Osmancık rice, and lentil varieties to consumers in a nature-friendly, reliable, and healthy way.

Atlı Gurme brings dried legume products grown on fertile lands in Thrace and Anatolia and homemade jams to tables with both quality and affordable prices in a completely natural way. By ordering Atlı Gurme products from Neyivar.com, which has ISO 9001, ISO 10002, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, and Halal Food certificates, you can prepare your meals with delicious products.


Ingredients: 1 cup of white quinoa

1.5 cups of hot water

Fresh onions

Lettuce 1 teaspoon of tomato paste

Olive oil


White Quinoa Salad Recipe: White quinoa is washed thoroughly twice and soaked in water for a while. The quinoa is put into a bowl and hot water is added, and the lid is closed. Tomato paste is mixed well with quinoa, and greens are added. Olive oil and salt are added. Bon appetit.


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