Picture of Ayvalık Olive Blossom Cologne 200 ml - Glass Bottle

Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Ayvalık Olive Blossom Cologne 200 ml - Glass Bottle






Olive flower cologne, produced from olive flowers collected from Ayvalık olive groves in spring, brings you the clean scent of Kazdağı and Madra mountains. Feel the unique scent and naturalness of Ayvalık olive flower cologne on your skin.

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Olive Blossom Cologne is in a 200 ml glass bottle with Eyüp Sabri Tuncer's quality and easy-to-use eye-catching design. You can order the olive flower cologne, which will make you feel in the olive groves of the Edremit Bay with its light scent, from our website at neyivar.com.   




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