Gonen Needle Lace

15 Aralık 2022 Perşembe

Registration Number: 184
Protection Date: 23.02.2010
Application No: C2010/006
Applicant: Municipality of Gonen
Address of the Applicant: Atatürk Cad. Government Square Gonen Town Hall Gonen Balikesir
Name of Geographical Indication: Gonen Needle Lace
Product Name: Needle Lace
Type of Geographical Indication: Geographical Indication
Geographical Boundary: Turkey
The Origin of the Geographical Indication: Gonen
Usage: Marking
Other information is attached.

The geographical indication, the technical features, and the control format of which are given in the annex; It was announced in the Official Gazette dated 13.02.2014 and numbered 28912. It has been registered to be valid from 23.02.2010 in accordance with Article 12 of the Decree Law on the Protection of Geographical Indications No. 555.

In Gönen Needle Lace, a mesh-free loop with the appearance of a cage is used, which is formed as a result of working on the Giraffe Technique, which forms the basis of needle lace. In all other regions, a triangular (with eyelets) loop is used. Another feature is that in all products made, bows lined up side by side in an upright position in the image, which is defined as Leg in the region (Figure A), are applied on Giraffe. The leg figure is used in most of the products produced in Gonen.

Figure A
Production Method:
Techniques are used in needlework making. The needle is made of thin and long steel material. It is 5-7 cm long with a hole on the back for the thread. A crochet is a tool with a hook of 10-13 cm in length, which is longer and thicker than a needle made of steel. Scissors are small embroidery scissors, mostly curved and sharp, that can be used to cut even the smallest ends that the needlewoman can use.

Registration Number: 184
Geographical Indication: Gonen Needle Lace
Nylon, filosh, silk, cotton, and polyester (synthetic) threads are used in the production of Gonen Needle Lace. The needle threads used can be numbered 50-60 depending on their fineness and thickness. Embroidery made with nylon thread is long-lasting, does not tear, does not disassemble and is easy.
It does not get old, it can be painted to the desired color. It is easy to manufacture. The ones made with filosh yarn do not wrinkle when washed, and the embroideries do not shrink and do not require ironing. Silk thread and lace are the most delicate and difficult to manufacture.
It is the most preferred product by users. Manufacturing with cotton yarn is more difficult than manufacturing with nylon. It is preferred by users because of its color (cream).

The root is the first starting point of needle lace and is formed by the repetition of the giraffe. Root; It is an intermediate or auxiliary motif with a triangular shape or square loop formed by the main motif in needle lace.

Square loop knot (giraffe) (Figure B) making process steps:

Figure B
1. Fold the fabric in half, take it in your left hand.
2. Hold the end of the thread you have threaded on the needle at the starting point, between the fabric and the index finger.
3. Pinch the fabric from the front according to the giraffe's depth.
4. Pass the starting end of the thread over the needle from right to left.
5. Take the double-folded threads at the lower end of the needle to the right by passing them under the needle.
6. Pull the needle to tighten the loop (one loop is made).
7. Make 5-7 or more stitches from the same stitch you made, depending on the nature of the lace you will make.
8. Make a loop in the middle of the last loop.(Reverse).
9. Make a loop in the middle of the other loops, respectively.
10. Make a loop in the middle of the last loop (Reverse).
11. Continue in this way until the last stitch remains.

Registration Number: 184
Geographical Indication: Gonen Needle Lace
Leg (Fig. C) construction steps:

Figure C
1. Knot your rope in a giraffe.
2. Knot your rope on the second giraffe leaving plenty of rope.
3. Make the third knot by passing your needle in the middle of the yarn you left loose in the first row.
4. Knot the top rope to the giraffe next to the giraffe you are processing on the fabric and go down.
get off.
5. Pass your needle under the vertical threads, in the middle, and make a knot.
6. Knot your needle on the last long thread from the top and one leg (in the form of a bow)
complete the figure.
7. Start the process for the second leg figure by sinking the next giraffe in the fabric again.
Under the coordination of Gönen Municipality; T.R. Gönen District Governorship Public Education Center and Evening Art School Directorate and T.C. Technical personnel assigned by the Gonen District Governorate Girls' Technical and Vocational High School Directorate will inspect the distinctive features of the product and the production method.

Click on the related page of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.